jhargram,west bengal,india tenders.
- 1TID:81096434 Corporations/ Assoc/ Chambers/ Govt Agencies Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 172.16 CrEMD : Refer DocumentDue Date :07 March 20252 Days to go
- 2TID:81563410 Security Services Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaNewPQDOC NCB
Work services for development of op site and provision of perimeter wall at digha at afs kalaikunda
Worth :INR 20.75 CrEMD :INR 13.63 LacDue Date :08 April 202534 Days to go - 3TID:79892273 Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaCORDOC NCBWorth :INR 6.90 CrEMD :INR 6.70 LacDue Date :05 March 2025Closing Today
- 4TID:80381723 Education And Research Institute Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQCORDOC NCBWorth :INR 6.51 CrEMD :INR 19.53 LacDue Date :19 March 202514 Days to go
- 5TID:81292924 Health Services/equipments Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 4.58 CrEMD :INR 9.15 LacDue Date :21 March 202516 Days to go
- 6TID:81087873 Health Services/equipments Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaDOC NCBWorth :INR 3.84 CrEMD :INR 7.69 LacDue Date :21 March 202516 Days to go
- 7TID:81219116 Business Consultancy Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 3.55 CrEMD :INR 35.50 LacDue Date :24 March 202519 Days to go
- 8TID:81303851 Business Consultancy Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 3.55 CrEMD :INR 35.50 LacDue Date :24 March 202519 Days to go
- 9TID:81138092 Education And Research Institute Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaDOC NCB
Mechanized cleaning of entire ramanujan complex. *. mechanized cleaning of entire ramanujan complex.
Worth :INR 2.80 CrEMD :INR 5.61 LacDue Date :11 March 20256 Days to go - 10TID:81082699 Education And Research Institute Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaBOQPQCORDOC NCB
Mechanized cleaning of entire ramanujan complex. *. mechanized cleaning of entire ramanujan complex.
Worth :INR 2.80 CrEMD :INR 5.61 LacDue Date :11 March 20256 Days to go - 11TID:81461712 Railways Transport Services Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaNewGeMPQCORDOC NCBWorth :INR 2.28 CrEMD :INR 2.64 LacDue Date :21 March 202516 Days to go
- 12TID:81224711 Administrative Offices Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 1.96 CrEMD :INR 3.92 LacDue Date :17 March 202512 Days to go
- 13TID:81052039 Education And Research Institute Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 1.90 CrEMD :INR 3.80 LacDue Date :11 March 20256 Days to go
- 14TID:81437397 Railways Transport Services Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaGeMPQDOC NCB
Providing of manpower outsourcing services minimum wage unskilled; not required; others
Worth : 1.84 CrEMD : 3.68 LacDue Date :20 March 202515 Days to go - 15TID:80977866 Civil Works Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 1.79 CrEMD :INR 3.57 LacDue Date :07 March 20252 Days to go
- 16TID:81141938 Canal/irrigation Work Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC NCB
Construction of two storied rest shed cum meeting hall at lutunia within block and ps sabang.
Worth :INR 1.54 CrEMD :INR 3.08 LacDue Date :17 March 202512 Days to go - 17TID:81181168 Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaBOQPQDOC NCBWorth :INR 1.54 CrEMD :INR 3.08 LacDue Date :17 March 202512 Days to go
- 18TID:81582915 Civil Works Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaDOC NCBWorth :INR 1.52 CrEMD :INR 3.03 LacDue Date :28 March 202523 Days to go
- 19TID:80702172 Education And Research Institute Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaPQDOC ICBWorth :INR 1.50 CrEMD :INR 3.00 LacDue Date :06 March 20251 Days to go
- 20TID:81122462 Education And Research Institute Medinipur, West Bengal, IndiaGeMPQDOC NCBWorth : 1.49 CrEMD : 7.45 LacDue Date :12 March 20257 Days to go
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